Ali Aboutalebi

Senior .Net Developer

Social Links



  • C#
  • .Net Core
  • ASP.Net Core
  • Blazor
  • Angular
  • CI/CD
  • MVC
  • Git
  • TDD
  • Docker
  • MicroServices
  • EF Core
  • Java
  • Android
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • PlayFab
  • Machine Vision
  • Game Development

Team Working

  • Git
  • Agile
  • Scrum
  • Azure DevOps
  • Github Actions
  • Slack


  • Google Cloud
  • Microsoft Azure


  • SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • Azure CosmosDB
  • Redis





Pegasus Project

We are working on a B2B project. Our team has focused on creating a dynamic workflow for the onboarding process of customers.
One of our challenges is to provide an integration layer by interacting with many other integrations with different protocols and authorization types.
We use micro-service architecture over Google Cloud with automated CI/CD.

  • Role: Beck-End Developer
  • Tech Stack: C#, Asp.Net Core, Angular, Google Cloud, Swagger, CI/CD, Docker, Gitlab, Azure Cloud, SQL Server, MongoDB, Entity Framework Core, Workflow Engine, Pub/Sub Message Queue, OpenTelemetry, JWT, LDAP, IdentityServer4, SSO.



Raft Wars Game

Providing APIs using platforms such as PlayFab, Azure Web Apps, SignalR and Firebase for a Unity project.
Also I provide a management and reporting dashboard. I gather data from game and visualize it.

  • Role: Beck-End Developer
  • Unity/PlayFab Tech Stack: C#, Unity, TypeScript, PlayFab, SignalR, Firebase (Analytics, Crashlytics, Cloud Messaging), Adjust.
  • Dashboard Tech Stack: C#, Asp.Net Core, Blazor, CI/CD, Azure Web Apps, Github Actions, Azure Cosmos DB, MongoDB, SignalR, Swagger, Google BigQuery.
Download Game



TCI Energy Management

An Core Blazor project for TCI co. rewritten from former Asp.Net project developed also by me at 2017.
The project is about to manage electricity bills of company and automatically analyze them in order to use energy efficiently.

  • Role: Full Stack Developer
  • Duration: 3 Months
  • Tech Stack: C#, Blazor, WebAssembly, Chart.js, ASP.Net Core, MongoDB




An Asp.Net Core Blazor project for TCI co. rewritten from former Asp.Net project developed also by me at 2016.
The aim is to submit periodical PM (Preventive Maintenance) checks for equipments and generating various reports.

  • Role: Full Stack Developer
  • Duration: In progress
  • Tech Stack: C#, Blazor, WebAssembly, Chart.js, ASP.Net Core, MongoDB



TCI Data Links

An Asp.Net Core project for TCI co. to manage their network devices and connections.
To visualize the network connections I've used Go.js library.

  • Role: Full Stack Developer
  • Duration: 3 Months
  • Tech Stack: C#, ASP.Net Core MVC, JQuery, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Go.js


Personal Project

CV Generator.Net

An ASP.Net Core project to generate CV from user's information.

  • Role: Full Stack Developer
  • Duration: 1 week
  • Tech Stack: C#, ASP.Net Core, MVC, Docker, MongoDB, Puppeteer-Sharp
Source See Online


Freelance Project


A mobile based social network for students to solve their educational problems.

  • Role: Full Stack Developer (Android / Web / Backend)
  • Duration: 4 Months
  • Tech Stack: C#, ASP.Net Core MVC, MongoDB, Restful, Android, Java, Retrofit, EventBus, Push Notifications
Web Project Source Android Project Source



TCI Automated Telephony Announcement

Automatically telephone calling customers to announce them about some events like depts and offers, using VOIP channels.

  • Role: Web Developer
  • Duration: 4 Months
  • Tech Stack: C#, ASP.Net, MongoDB, Sql Server, RabbitMQ, Restful.


Freelance Project


A home-cooking food market network. Member of a 10 person team consisting of 4 developers, using Scrum methodologies.

  • Role: Android Developer
  • Duration: 4 Months
  • Tech Stack: Android, Java, Retrofit, EventBus, Push Notifications, PHP, Restful, MySql
Download Customer App Download Chef App



TCI Energy Management

(Deprecated and Rewritten)

The project is about to manage electricity bills of company and automatically analyze them in order to use energy efficiently.

  • Role: Full Stack Developer & Project Manager
  • Tech Stack: C#, ASP.Net, MongoDB



TCI GenericDoc

A multilingual project to create any kind of workflows in order to design forms, fill, search and make various reports. The main idea is creating forms and putting them inside a process, in order to create a workflow.

  • Role: Full Stack Developer & Project Manager
  • Duration: 5 Months
  • Tech Stack: C#, ASP.Net, MongoDB, formBuilder



TCI Preventive Maintenance (PM) System

(Deprecated and Rewritten)

A web and Android software to submit periodical PM checks about company’s equipments and creating various reports.

  • Role: Full Stack Developer (Web / Android / Backend) & Project Manager
  • Duration: 8 Months
  • Tech Stack: C#, ASP.Net, MongoDB, Sql Server, Restful, Telerik, EPPlus, Ninject, Android, Java, Retrofit



TCI Manholes Management GIS

A Web and Android based software to manage Telecommunication manholes on the streets and show them on the map and their connections (ducts and cables) between them.

  • Role: Full Stack Developer & Project Manager
  • Duration: 8 Months
  • Tech Stack: C#, ASP.Net, Android, Retrofit, OpenStreetMaps, ZoomCharts, JQuery



TCI Ticketing & CRM

A web-based software to circulate tickets which is highly customized for company needs. Also to manage customers and hardwares.

  • Role: Full Stack Developer & Project Manager
  • Duration: 6 Months
  • Tech Stack: C#, ASP.Net, MongoDB, Sql Server, JavaScript, JQuery, RabbitMQ, SignalR, Telerik, EPPlus, Ninject



IKCO Mobile Automation System

A fully dynamic procedural automation system to for example scan barcodes of products in production line and fill some forms after it in an Android device and sync with server. IKCO is the biggest car manufacturer in Iran.

  • Role: Full Stack Developer (Android / Web / Backend)
  • Duration: 4 Months
  • Tech Stack: C#, ASP.Net, Sql Server, Android


Persoanl Project

Free the Birds Game

A 2D arcade Angry Birds like game written in java using LibGDX library.
LibGDX is a multi-platform game library that can create outputs for Android, IOS and JRE Desktop app.

  • Role: Game Developer
  • Duration: 1 Year
  • Tech Stack: Java, LibGDX


Personal Project

Shelfinfo Startup

A social network app to share buying experiences.

  • Role: Android Developer
  • Duration: 6 Months


Tabriz University

Robots Driving Software

A software for “Robocup Small-Size League” competition for Tabriz University Robotic Group.
A software that takes data from Vision and Referee Systems and after making decisions to play football for each 5 robots, sends commands via wireless to each one every 10ms.

  • Role: C# Developer
  • Duration: 1 Year
  • Tech Stack: C#, Windows Forms, TCP/UDP Socket programming.